Hobo Radio 138 – Cue the fireworks
- Introduction
- The National Anthem performed by Theresa Gaddy
- America’s birthday
- A “movie-enhancing” cell phone ap
- Scott Pilgrim vs. the advertisers
- Wonder Woman’s new costume
- Contractually-obligated Batman discussion
- Highlights from Hobo Radio 5 – Strippin’ ain’t easy
This Sunday night, most Americas will head outside to watch people blow shit up in honor of our victory over England 234 years ago. It’s a strange tradition, but one that all Americans seem to love. Joel Murphy and Lars do their best to make sense of this yearly spectacle and also pay tribute to America, albeit somewhat unenthusiastically.
They also discuss Despicable Me‘s stange new gimmick, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World‘s ineffective advertising campaign and Wonder Woman’s boring new costume. Finally, the dynamic duo looks back on of the earliest Hobo Radio podcasts – the infamous Fourth of July “stripper show” from way back in 2006.
How was the movie industry forever changed in 1994? When exactly does Scott Pilgrim come out? What the hell is Wonder Woman wearing? The answers to these questions and more are in this week’s podcast.
Hobo Radio is the official podcast of HoboTrashcan, brought to you by The Podcast Network.
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