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Game of Thrones – “High Sparrow”: Scrambling for power

One thing I find interesting in these first episodes of Season Five is the highlighted concept of ruling. What does it mean to rule? And who really rules? What is power? What is justice? In King’s Landing, the scrambling for power is political and cunning. The Lannisters

Justified – “Promise”: My compliments on your grit

“We dug coal together.” – Raylan Givens In Elmore Leonard’s short story “Fire in the Hole,” Raylan Givens kills Boyd Crowder in Ava’s kitchen. In the pilot of Justified, which closely follows “Fire in the Hole,” Raylan doesn’t go for a kill shot. Instead, he hits Boyd

Game of Thrones – “The Wars to Come”: Going off book

Before jumping into tonight’s episode recap, I’d like to take a moment to address a recent internet topic regarding the future of Game of Thrones (other than the leak of episodes). The big reveal that the content of the show will surpass the books and end before

Justified – “Collateral”: Boyd Crowder must die

“Well hell, Raylan, then I have already won.” – Boyd Crowder All season Art, Boyd and countless other characters have been warning Raylan Givens about the pitfalls of seeking revenge. In a previous episode, Boyd went so far as to compare Raylan’s quest to take him down