The Teachers’ Lounge Archive

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The Teachers’ Lounge – And only 180 student days left

When he’s not writing for HoboTrashcan or drinking himself into a gin-soaked stupor, Ned Bitters spends his days molding the minds of today’s impressionable youth. As a high school teacher, Bitters is there every day in the classroom with America’s teenagers and – surprise, surprise – it’s

The Teachers’ Lounge – The final funniest moments of the year

When he’s not writing for HoboTrashcan or drinking himself into a gin-soaked stupor, Ned Bitters spends his days molding the minds of today’s impressionable youth. As a high school teacher, Bitters is there every day in the classroom with America’s teenagers and – surprise, surprise – it’s

The Teachers’ Lounge – Funniest Moments: Buy Chinese Stocks edition

When he’s not writing for HoboTrashcan or drinking himself into a gin-soaked stupor, Ned Bitters spends his days molding the minds of today’s impressionable youth. As a high school teacher, Bitters is there every day in the classroom with America’s teenagers and – surprise, surprise – it’s

The Teachers’ Lounge – Third quarter memorable moments

When he’s not writing for HoboTrashcan or drinking himself into a gin-soaked stupor, Ned Bitters spends his days molding the minds of today’s impressionable youth. As a high school teacher, Bitters is there every day in the classroom with America’s teenagers and – surprise, surprise – it’s