Hobo Headlines Archive

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Hobo Headlines

We scan the top newspapers and websites to bring you all of the important news of the day. Then we convert the newspapers into hobo blankets or funny hats. Here are today’s Hobo Headlines: Why do we get the feeling that the Bush administration will magically find

Hobo Headlines

We scan the top newspapers and websites to bring you all of the important news of the day. Then we convert the newspapers into hobo blankets or funny hats. Here are today’s Hobo Headlines: But will it be a total recall? California’s prison guard union will seek

Hobo Headlines

We scan the top newspapers and websites to bring you all of the important news of the day. Then we convert the newspapers into hobo blankets or funny hats. Here are today’s Hobo Headlines: The government is in charge? Now it’s really time to start stockpiling canned

Hobo Headlines

We scan the top newspapers and websites to bring you all of the important news of the day. Then we convert the newspapers into hobo blankets or funny hats. Here are today’s Hobo Headlines: Maybe he should have gone with the “Can you smell what the Mac

Hobo Headlines

We scan the top newspapers and websites to bring you all of the important news of the day. Then we convert the newspapers into hobo blankets or funny hats. Here are today’s Hobo Headlines: And her role as a beauty pageant contestant is comparable to Obama’s time