Murphy’s Law Archive

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Murphy’s Law – Don’t stop …

Joel Murphy “You probably don’t even hear it when it happens.” – Bobby Baccalieri When I wrote my column last week laying down the odds of how Tony would die, I honestly thought that would be the last Sopranos column I ever wrote. I fully intended to

Murphy’s Law – Things that piss me off

By Joel Murphy (In no particular order.) Christians who boycott Halloween because it is the “devil’s holiday.” Sure, Halloween is based on a Pagan holiday, but so are Christmas and Easter. Halloween isn’t evil – it’s an excuse to wear a silly costume and get free candy.

Murphy’s Law – Year One: A look back

By Joel Murphy It’s hard to believe I’ve already been doing HoboTrashcan for a year. It seems like just yesterday I was trying to convince my brother to help me put together this site and he was shaking his head and telling me he was way too