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Hobo Radio 142 – Oliver Stone sucks at life

Introduction Oliver Stone is lovely 10 Most Confusing Movies Lars and Joel Time “Big Bad Wolf” by Demolition [display_podcast] Oliver Stone, who is working on a film that will supposedly allow viewers to “walk in Stalin’s shoes and Hitler’s shoes to understand their point of view,” recently

Hobo Radio 141 – It’s French for “The Bruce”

Introduction Giving blood L.A. Zombie Leonardo DiCaprio and Christopher Nolan Contractually-obligated Fun Time “Skullcrusher Mountain” by Jonathan Coulton [display_podcast] It’s not every day that you see a “video art zombie film” about a man convinced he is an alien zombie roaming the streets of L.A. on the

Hobo Radio 140 – Jodie Foster’s Beaver

Introduction The FCC Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Contractually-obligated Fun Time “An I Hate You Song” by Deleveled [display_podcast] It’s been a big week for free speech. First, the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals declared that the FCC’s indecency rule, which was put

Hobo Radio 139 – Now with more twang

Introduction Lost‘s Emmy nods M. Night Shyamalan Kirkman’s Top Five Worst Films Contractually-obligated Batman discussion “If I Had A Girl” by Hot Fiction [display_podcast] Lars is M.I.A., so Joel Murphy is joined by Chris Kirkman, who does his best to class up the joint this week. The

Hobo Radio 138 – Cue the fireworks

Introduction The National Anthem performed by Theresa Gaddy America’s birthday A “movie-enhancing” cell phone ap Scott Pilgrim vs. the advertisers Wonder Woman’s new costume Contractually-obligated Batman discussion Highlights from Hobo Radio 5 – Strippin’ ain’t easy [display_podcast] This Sunday night, most Americas will head outside to watch