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Breaking Bad – “Granite State”: Rock bottom

The penultimate episode of Breaking Bad, fittingly titled "Granite State," finds Walter White finally hitting rock bottom. As the walls begin to close in on our protagonist and his options are extremely limited, he still clings to the idea that he can somehow make all of this

Bacon and Legs – The Scarecrow and why he’ll make you cry

As part of the celebration for their 20th anniversary, Chipotle released a new app-based game called "The Scarecrow." Along with the game, they released a short intro video, featuring the Scarecrow character that was set to a cover of "Pure Imagination" performed by Fiona Apple. Reading about

Review – Prisoners

Hugh Jackman once again takes a break from disemboweling bad guys with his Adamantium claws to tug at your heartstrings in Prisoners, the story of Keller Dover (Hugh Jackman), a man whose little girl goes missing. Keller doesn't trust the police to solve the case, even though

Hobo Radio 271 – When rugged just isn’t a strong enough word

We can all agree that Chris Hemsworth is an attractive man. But the degree to which Joel Murphy can admit he's attractive has him feeling a slight bit uncomfortable. And his handsomeness also has Lars seeking a word stronger than "rugged" to describe just what it is