Outside of the In-Crowd – Looking back fondly
![]() Courtney Enlow |
This past weekend saw the release of the much-awaited movie Watchmen. And I believe that if for no other reason, nerds rejoiced because this movie gave everyone a chance to talk about Watchmen again.
Time is a funny thing. Enough of it goes by, and for some reason, you don’t get to discuss certain things anymore. It’s like there’s a time stipulation on having an interest in something. I read Watchmen three or four years ago. The movie hadn’t been announced yet, and it was obviously years since the book/books was/were released, so I had no one to talk about it with, which is a really obnoxious feeling. And yet, all too common.
Music and movies are usually immune to this curse. You can talk about your recent discovery of the album Slanted & Enchanted and, depending on the crowd, still have a lengthy conversation about it (albeit one that prominently features the question “You just heard this album? What are you?”) But let’s say I just discovered the television show M*A*S*H. I would have no one with whom to discuss the program on an episode by episode basis. The most I could probably get would be a “Yes, that was indeed a show. Now please leave me alone.”
This is disappointing. Maybe there are things I desperately need to talk about. With whom am I supposed to gush? I believe it’s this exact line of thinking that brought about the Internet, which is all well and good. There are certain matters of pop culture discussion for which the Internet is the perfect place, such as my two favorite television shows of all time, MST3K and Doctor Who, for I am of the nerd variety. But dammit, I’m not so of the nerd variety that I don’t sometimes want to talk face to face with people. And you know that this need must be great, because I, as a rule, generally don’t like people.
If I had my way, my magical dream world way, these are things that would come up in conversation on a daily basis:
- Dave and Lisa’s relationship on News Radio
- Marissa Cooper
- that time Zack and Lisa hooked up on Saved By The Bell and no one ever spoke of it again
- the deaths of Fred Burkle, Wesley Windham-Pryce, Anya Christina Emmanuelle Jenkins not-Harris and Joyce Summers (Wash not included because that was a movie and people DO talk about that. Poor Book gets the short end of the conversation stick though, so he can be on my list too.) Damn you, Whedon.
- the season three premiere of Six Feet Under
- the Babysitter’s Club books, Sweet Valley, and the collected works of R.L. Stine
- iCarly (but this is mostly because I don’t converse with seven-year-olds on a daily basis)
- the end of Roseanne
- Stan and Dorothy Zbornak: should they have ended up together over her marrying Blanche’s uncle, Leslie Nielsen?
- the This American Life from March of 2008 about the NYC Board of Education building where teachers are sent to sit all day and do nothing while they wait to be fired
- how much I wish Jeff had stayed on Coupling, but how underrated Oliver really was
- seriously, Zack and Lisa like professed their love together and then NOTHING. People get all up in arms about the “Tori Paradox” but this bothers no one else?
- the fact that I just finally got around to reading Catcher in the Rye for the first time (I firmly believe that 90 percent of the reason I’m going to grad school is to have the ability to discuss books for a living)
- the South Park commentaries (I have them downloaded as MP3s and sometimes just listen to them. No one else does this, therefore I have no one with whom to talk about it.)
The fact that I can’t talk about these things, but could easily have a 45 minute+ discussion of the movie Hot Pursuit is a sad state of affairs if you ask me. So if you want to discuss these things at great lengths, I’m your girl.
Courtney Enlow is a writer living in Chicago and working as a corporate shill to pay the bills. You can contact her at courtney@hobotrashcan.com.
I enjoyed this article Court but have no real reference point with which to discuss some of these with you. When you were young, no TV in the house could be tuned to anything but Saved by the Bell on Saturday so I at least know who Zach and Lisa were. I know that with regard to MASH you will always have a buddy to discuss any episode with as long as your Aunt Jeanne lives. She has entire seasons catalogued in her brain and can recite shit that I never ever remembered. I want to see Watchmen so we’ll be able to talk about that at some point in time but I never liked Roseanne and I’m not sure what channel Nickelodeon even is so we’re done on that. I must admit that I’m getting addicted to a new show on HBO that I’ll need to find a discussion buddy (all episodes are available on on-demand so you can catch up this weekend when you’re at home. I’m talking about East Bound and Down on Sunday nights. That is one of the funniest damned shows I’ve seen in a long time. You hate, love, pity and just laugh your ass off at Danny McBride all at once in most scenes. I think that you’ll love this show so we’ll talk this weekend. Got to go now so I can get all my shit done before “Chuck” comes on tonight. You know I’m worthless until that’s over.
Dad, your buddy in EB&D will be John because he loves that show.
“I’m not part of your crew.”
“Yes, you are!”
God, poor Shepherd Book! Actually, poor every-character-that-Whedon-kills. I’m still pissed about Doyle; forget about trying to move forward to later seasons and deal with all that.
Also, can we stop for a moment to talk about how awesome Spenser Shay is? Just for a bit? Because iCarly is way better than it should be, and the theme song is addictive like crack.
iCarly is ridiculously good. Spencer is my favorite.
Courtney, your passion for the epic fail of Zack and Lisa’s romance is unmatched (but not unjustified), and for that, I salute you.
This is brilliant. I’m often tempted to discuss Veronica Mars in depth. I LOVE that show.
I’m starting the 4th season of Buffy right now, so you totally spoiled some future deaths for me! I almost forced myself to stop reading, but I couldn’t. I knew Joyce and Wes would kick it eventually. I knew that Anya and Xander were gonna get togets, but I didn’t expect her to die. Can’t wait to see how it unfolds…
This column makes me think that we should actually create the Facebook application I mentioned back in my “Tivo Effect” column. Here’s what I wrote then:
“Perhaps someone can make a new social networking website or a Facebook application that allows you to list when you watch episodes of the shows taped on your DVR so that you can find other people who are watching it too. That way, you can set up a chatroom to ‘stand around’ the virtual watercooler and discuss everything that’s happening in the old episode of Futurama that Comedy Central aired at 2 a.m. four weeks ago.”
I’m too lazy to make this happen, but someone should put it together so that we can all seek out people to discuss shows that are no longer on the air. And instead of having the chats online, you could also use the application to set up meetings or phone calls with people near you to discuss the shows.
Until then, I’m totally down for discussing some of those South Park commentaries. I just listened to all of the season 12 ones when I reviewed the DVDs for the site. And News Radio too – I love that show.
Laura: I could talk about Veronica Mars for hours! Man, that was a good show. (Well, until season three, but what can you do…)
Tori was my kinda girl, I like’em butch
Oh snap, sorry Laura. SPOILERS! Enjoy our precious Anya while you have her. *sniff*
That’s the nice thing about carrousels, they always play the same songs.
Forget Zack and Lisa, I’m still pissed there wasn’t more of Stacey Carosi.
I understand what you’re saying, but most of your examples are shows that I didn’t follow much. But I did enjoy watching NewsRadio a lot. Harder to watch after they lost Phil, but definitely a fun series.
The Dave-Lisa relationship on NewsRadio is a regular topic of discussion with my siblings. As well as all the other intricate character relationships. And nobody else understands our conversations.
I love that episode of This American LIfe! I was trying to tell someone at work about it recently. They just sit in a room for years! It’s completely ridiculous! But in all honesty, I ALWAYS want to talk about something I heard on TAL.