Hobo Radio Interview – Remembering Michael K. Williams

When HoboTrashcan.com launched on August 23, 2005, it included an interview with Michael K. Williams. That interview, which was in-depth and candid, set the tone for every interview to come.
Joel Murphy recently opened up on Twitter to talk about why that moment was so special:

He and Lars talk more about the interview and Williams’ career in general on this special episode of Hobo Radio. They also share the audio from the second interview Murphy conducted with Michael K. Williams in 2006.
[You can find the original print versions of our two interviews here and here.]
This week’s music:
- Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
- Interstitial – “Vishnu Meets Funk” by Lucas PernĂ½ & Miloslav Kollar
- End – “Please Don’t Say Goodbye” by Tony Benn

Hobo Radio is presented by HoboTrashcan.com and is a part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at PeakSloth.com.

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