Overrated Archive

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Overated – Surprise birthday parties

Ned Bitters This week’s inductees into the “Overrated Hall of Fame” are … surprise birthday parties. My niece might be the most impressive person I know. She can sing, dance and write. She excelled from elementary school through grad school. She was national youth chair of a

Overrated – NHL playoff beards

Ned Bitters This week’s inductees into the “Overrated Hall of Fame” are … NHL playoff beards. We’re not even a week into the NHL playoffs, but players already are sprouting the early stubble of playoff beards. This means we’ll soon start listening to wistful announcers wax stupid

Overrated – Homemade beer and wine

Ned Bitters This week’s inductee into the “Overrated Hall of Fame” is … homemade beer and wine. If you want to grill a hamburger at home, do you buy a cow, tend to it, slaughter it and grind your own hamburger meat, or do you run over

Overrated – Municipal sports bets

Ned Bitters This week’s inductees into the “Overrated Hall of Fame” are … municipal sports bets. Last week in a Pittsburgh newspaper there was a story about (and an accompanying stupid picture of) some Pittsburgh councilwoman wearing green and eating cheese. This was the main picture on

Overrated – My maturity, Pt. II

Ned Bitters A couple of years ago I wrote about how any allegations of my maturity were unfounded. Consider this Part II of that installment. Whatever maturity I might have is vastly overrated. Anyone who knows me well suffers no delusions about my maturity, but I can