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Recyclables – Advanced Style

Wednesday we empty out our Recycle Bin, which means we take one of the entertaining sites or videos people have forwarded to us and share them with you. You can’t stop the aging process, but the people over at Advanced Style prove that you can still look

Overrated – Smoke-free bars and restaurants

Ned Bitters This week’s inductee into the “Overrated Hall of Fame” is … smoke-free bars and restaurants. I don’t smoke. After all, I’m not a complete fucking idiot. I’m just half fucking idiot, as I still drink too much for someone my age. (Body pushing 46. Face

Hobo Stu’s Weekly Recap

Hobo Stu Hello everyone, Please forgive me for not coming up with a witty introduction this week. I’m going to be totally honest – I’m looking ahead to a three day weekend, so I’m totally phoning it in. Enjoy Columbus Day everyone! Try not to dwell on