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Hobo Radio 61 – International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Introduction Contractually obligated Batman discussion Interview with Cap’n Slappy “I’m a Pirate” by The Pirate Guys Week 61 Spotlight: International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Most days you are trapped in your boring office job, forced to joylessly fill out TPS reports inside your tiny cubicle. But

One on One with Kaitlin Olson

It’s true that It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but things aren’t always so great for Sweet Dee, who has been set on fire, dissed by a mentally-challenged rapper and nicknamed “The Aluminum Monster” in high school thanks to a back brace she wore for her severe scoliosis.

Note to Self – Not Reggie

Brian Murphy As I stood on the sidelines watching New Orleans “running back” Reggie Bush taunt a rookie punter during his return for a touchdown this past weekend, I almost felt bad for the guy. Here’s an athlete who was seemingly on top of the world when

Murphy’s Law – One Shot: Gossip Girl

Joel Murphy In case you missed last week’s column (and, if you did, shame on you), my life now has purpose. I have decided to seek out television shows I would not normally watch and give them one shot to win me over. Last week, I took

Recyclables – Rabbit

Wednesday we empty out our Recycle Bin, which means we take one of the entertaining sites or videos people have forwarded to us and share them with you. Rabbit takes the classic Dick and Jane illustrations and transforms them into a haunting animated morality tale. We would