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Recyclables – Rabbit

Wednesday we empty out our Recycle Bin, which means we take one of the entertaining sites or videos people have forwarded to us and share them with you. Rabbit takes the classic Dick and Jane illustrations and transforms them into a haunting animated morality tale. We would

Overrated – Athletes coming out of retirement

Ned Bitters This week’s inductee into the “Overrated Hall of Fame” is … athletes coming out of retirement. “Say it ain’t so, Lance.” But alas, it looks like it is so, and once again sports fans are faced with the prospect of seeing one of the all-time

From the Vault – Getting to Know … International Talk Like a Pirate Day

While the calender is already overflowing with pointless holidays created by Hallmark in an effort to sell more greeting cards (Arbor Day? Secretary’s Day?), there is one obscure annual holiday that is actually worth celebrating – International Talk Like A Pirate Day. As the name implies, September

Outside of the In-Crowd – Wedding Ebola

Courtney Enlow In the past two or three weeks, approximately eleventy-three people I know have gotten engaged. My feelings towards marriage can best be summed up in the words of the great Elizabeth Taylor: “MARRIAGE?! Noooooooooooo! Now I’m gonna howl. Ahoooooooooooooooo …” To clarify, I am not

Hobo Stu’s Weekly Recap

Hobo Stu Hello everyone, We’ve had some great celebrity interviews in the past, but I was particularly excited to see this week’s interview with Rob McElhenney, Glenn Howerton and Charlie Day from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Even if you have never seen the show before, I