Hobo Radio Interview – FBoy Island’s Louise Barnard
FBoy Island is a show where three single women mingle with an island full of muscular guys to try to figure out which ones are self-proclaimed nice guys and which are “fboys” pretending to be nice guys.
Louise Barnard chose a self-proclaimed fboy over a nice guy this season. She talks about that decision and her experience on the show.
This week’s music:
- Intro – “Giddy Up” by Tahuna Breaks
- Interstitial – “Vishnu Meets Funk” and “Ancient Ritual” by Lucas Perný & Miloslav Kollar
- End – “Baby Blue” by Louise Barnard

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Hobo Radio is presented by HoboTrashcan.com and is a part of the Peak Sloth Podcast Network. Hear more shows at PeakSloth.com.

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